World Art Dubai 2023
Best Solo Artist
Where the World’s Art Comes together
World Art Dubai is the largest contemporary retail art fair in the UAE. Dubai has firmly established itself on the international art map thanks to its strategic location and the presence of discerning collectors with refined tastes.
In March 2023, Marco won the international award for best solo artist.

Leonardo Da Vinci award -
Best Sculptor Artist
The Biennale Internazionale Dell’Arte Contemporanea, also known as the Florence Biennale is an art exhibition held in Florence, Italy. Since 1997 it has been held every two years in the exhibition spaces of the Fortezza da Basso, Florence.
The list of the famous participants include Marina Abramović, David Hockney, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Gilbert & George, Anish Kapoor, El Anatsui and others.
In October 2023, Marco won the prestigious Leonardo Da Vinci award for best sculptor artist.